
mrpy.base.core.rho_gtm(m, logHs, alpha, beta, mmin=None, norm='pdf', log=False, **Arhom_kw)

The mass-weighted integral of the MRP, in reverse (ie. from high to low mass)


m : array_like

Vector of masses at which to evaluate the MRP

logHs : float

The base-10 logarithm of the scale mass, \(H_\star\).

alpha : float

The power-law index

beta : float

Exponential cutoff parameter

mmin : float, optional

The lower-truncation mass. Default is the minimum mass in m.

norm :string or float, optional

Gives the normalisation of the MRP, A. If set to a float, it is directly the normalisation. If set to "pdf", it will automatically render the MRP as a statistical distribution. If set to "rhoc", it will yield the correct total mass density across all masses, down to m=0.

log : logical

Whether to return the natural log of the MRP (suitable for Bayesian likelihoods).

**Arhom_kw :

Arguments directly forwarded to the mean-density normalisation, A_rhom().