
IdealAnalytic.__init__(logHsd=None, alphad=None, betad=None, lnAd=None, **kwargs)

Subclass of SampleLike, defining the expected likelihood and covariance for a sample of variates drawn directly from an MRP distribution.

See Murray, Robotham, Power (2016) for details.

In this class, no vector of masses is passed, but rather mmin is used everywhere. To do this, it automatically creates a length-1 vector of masses, equalling mmin, to use the methods of its superclass. To invoke methods for general vectors of m, do not use this class.

logHsd, alphad, betad : float, optional

Values of the MRP parameters for the data. If not given, they are set to the corresponding values of the variable parameters (i.e. the solution).

Other Parameters:
args :

Other parameters are passed directly to PerObjLike